Ramus Kofoed, 48, from Denmark, is the Chef of the Geranium Restaurant in Copenhagen, which offers an open kitchen without protection or without even a glass to divide the room.
The new tasting menu costs € 429 (drinks not included), consisting of 19 courses including appetizers, savory dishes and desserts.
Only seafood, fish, vegetables, algae, wild herbs and little cheese.
The menus can be paired with wine or amazing non-alcoholic juice.
No meat, because the Chef has been a vegetarian for several years and he did not feel comfortable offering it to his customers.
A location that recalls nature: walls decorated with watercolors depicting flowers, plants and animals.
Kofoed says he had to raise prices for various reasons, not only for the quality of the product but also for a question of economic and human sustainability.
By raising prices, it was also possible to find a balance for the staff on duty who work in the dining room and in the kitchen, many of them also Italians.
Kofoed affirms that "the boys must be calm, not too stressed. The work-life balance is a fundamental thing".