Traveling is every person's dream.
A trip is used to escape from the classic routine for a few days.
There are different types of travelers who are classified into:
- The seeker of himself.
He is a traveler of the soul, who often chooses to move in solitude because the only thing he wants from his vacation is inner peace. The goal of his journey is not to discover the world but he wants to discover himself and his purpose in life; he considers travel as an experience of personal transformation he always tries to go to places that are not crowded and in the midst of nature as a destination he prefers sacred places.
- The lover of the city.
We can define it as the opposite of the seeker of himself. He adores the chaos of the metropolis with a great desire for social integration and communication; he could never give up on urban comforts. Another similar type that we can define a subspecies are those who love parties, who prefer cities well equipped with clubs where to hear music, dance or drink excellent drinks (ideal are the islands of Greece or Ibiza); and the luxury traveler, who is at ease only in boutique hotels or starred restaurants and includes only experiences of excellence.
- The hungry for culture.
He who wants to immerse himself completely in the culture and habits of the places he visits; he wants to discover the true essence of places by living like the citizens of that country. He loves destinations where he can find centuries of history and culture,
This type of travelers leave their homes to flood their culture and their mental horizons.
- The adventurous.
I love all kinds of different experiences every time, he loves adrenaline and thinks life is boring without emotion; the more dangerous an activity is, the more it attracts him. The purpose of his journey is to find a sense of freedom.
- The tourist.
He seeks peace and serenity, he does not want surprises but well organized itineraries. He plans everything well in advance and is armed with guides and brochures on the city that he will visit long before the day of departure. You won't miss any of the most renowned attractions.
- The social traveler.
He wants his trip to be useful for a good cause and feels he has to commit himself to improve the world, even with the possibility of combining volunteering with vacation.
- The relaxed one.
He chooses to take a trip to recover all the stress of everyday life. He will use all the vacation to relax without making any kind of plans, he will take the vacation very comfortably. The only thing that matters to him is not to think, no matter where he is.
And what kind of traveller are you?